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You don’t have to live with the burden of trauma anymore. You can get help and recover with Hypnotherapy.

Are you feeling the pressure of trauma? Do you know someone who is struggling? They may not have mental health issues, but they may need some help to lighten the load. Contact me today to find out how Hypnotherapy can help you or your loved ones heal from trauma. Please click the button below to book a No Obligation Discovery Call.




(Includes 6 sessions, audio recordings,

nutritional guidance, and comprehensive support from Paul)


Military & Frontline Services Discounted Fee

If you are a military or frontline worker (such as Gardai/ Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, 999 call centre workers, HSE/NGO frontline staff, Teachers etc), you can benefit from a special discount of €100.00 of the cost of my 6 session MindMend PTSD protocol. This is my way of thanking you for your service and helping you heal from your trauma.


Hypnotherapy can help you heal from trauma by:


  • Lifting the weight of trauma from your mind and body. Hypnotherapy can help you release the negative emotions and thoughts that are linked to your trauma. It can also help you reduce the physical symptoms that are caused by trauma.

  • Helping you process and understand your trauma. Hypnotherapy can help you explore and reframe your traumatic memories in a safe and supportive way. It can also help you identify and change any limiting beliefs or behaviours that are holding you back from healing.

  • Empowering you to move forward with confidence and resilience. Hypnotherapy can help you create positive changes in your life by enhancing your self-esteem, coping skills, and well-being. It can also help you achieve your goals and dreams by boosting your motivation, creativity, and performance.


Hypnotherapy is a gentle and effective way to heal from trauma. It can help you remove the paving slabs that are weighing you down, one by one. By removing the first one, the rest will fall off easily.

I offer a 6 session MindMend Protocol for PTSD, which consists of the following powerful sessions:

Session 1 – Negativity Clearing

Session 2 – Ego Parts

Session 3 – Forgiveness/Acceptance of Others

Session 4 – Age Regression/Timeline/Rewind

Session 5 – Forgiveness/Acceptance of Self

Session 6 – Ego boost/reinforcement/strengthening

You can choose to do the sessions online via Zoom/Teams/WhatsApp. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer with the required app and web cam or camera. You can also choose a comfortable place where you can relax, such as your sofa, bed, or armchair.

Clinical hypnotherapy tackles PTSD on a subconscious level, without the need for addictive medications, and much faster than "talking therapies". Sufferers often see an improvement in their symptoms from the very first clinical hypnotherapy session, and elimination within 6 weeks.


How can you get help for PTSD:


If you have PTSD, you may wonder what kind of help is available for you. You may have tried to talk to your GP/MD, but this may not have the best options for you. They may prescribe you anti-depressants, which can have side effects and will not address the root cause of your trauma. They may also refer you to talk-therapy, which can be helpful for some people, but not for everyone. You may not want to talk about your trauma in detail, because it can make you feel worse and reinforce the negative emotions and thoughts in your subconscious mind.

What if there was a better way to heal from your trauma? A way that does not require you to relive your trauma or share it with anyone? A way that can help you release the emotional and physical symptoms of PTSD and restore your well-being and happiness? That way is Clinical Hypnotherapy.


Clinical Hypnotherapy for PTSD and CPTSD


Clinical hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses a deep state of relaxation to help the body and mind heal from trauma. It involves visualisation and suggestion techniques to access and release repressed emotions that cause physical and mental health problems.

Trauma is the cause of all the symptoms of PTSD and CPTSD, such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, and shame. These symptoms can affect the quality of life and well-being of the sufferers. Clinical hypnotherapy offers a safe and comfortable environment for these emotions to be recognised and let go, without having to talk about them or relive the traumatic events.

Clinical hypnotherapy is different from other therapies such as CBT or EMDR. It does not require the patient to do anything except relax. It does not involve endless talk therapy or exposure to the trauma. Many people with PTSD and CPTSD find it hard to relax due to anxiety or hypervigilance, but clinical hypnotherapy helps them achieve a state of calmness and peace.

Clinical hypnotherapy is a highly-effective and very pleasant therapy for people suffering from PTSD and CPTSD. It can help them reduce their symptoms, improve their mood, enhance their self-esteem, and restore their sense of control and hope.


What is PTSD?

3. Autoimmune Disorders: Some research suggests that severe stress, including emotional trauma, may contribute to the development or exacerbation of autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

4. Chronic Pain: Many individuals with PTSD experience physical pain, which can become chronic and affect various parts of the body, such as the muscles and joints.

5. Sleep Disorders: PTSD often results in sleep disturbances and insomnia, which can lead to a host of health problems, including fatigue, increased risk of accidents, and difficulties with concentration.

6. Compromised Immune System: Chronic stress from emotional trauma can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

7. Respiratory Problems: PTSD can lead to respiratory issues, including shortness of breath and asthma-like symptoms.

8. Obesity: Trauma-related stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain, increasing the risk of obesity and related health problems.

9. Substance Abuse: Some individuals with PTSD may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with emotional distress, which can lead to addiction and related health issues.

10. Headaches and Migraines: Emotional trauma often triggers tension headaches and migraines, which can be debilitating.

11. Hormonal Imbalances: Trauma can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body, potentially leading to irregular menstrual cycles in women and sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

12. Compromised Immune System: PTSD and emotional trauma can lead to immune system dysregulation, increasing susceptibility to infections and autoimmune conditions.

13. Infertility: PTSD and PSSS can lead to a significant delay in conceiving and this can add to the trauma already present.


However, there are also a number of other symptoms that you may not be aware of. These include:


  • Emotional instability: having sudden and intense changes in your feelings

  • Emotional numbness: feeling detached or disconnected from your emotions

  • Social withdrawal: isolating yourself from others or avoiding social situations

  • Racing thoughts: having a lot of thoughts that are hard to control or stop

  • Sleep problems: having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much

  • Memory gaps: forgetting important details or events related to the trauma

  • Physical symptoms: experiencing heart palpitations, sweating, breathing difficulties, or other bodily sensations that are triggered by the trauma

  • Loss of interest: not enjoying the activities that you used to like

  • Intrusive memories: having unwanted and disturbing thoughts about the trauma that you can’t get rid of

  • Difficulty concentrating: having trouble focusing on tasks or paying attention


Physical Health consequences of PTSD

Emotional trauma and PTSD can have significant physical health consequences. The mind-body connection is powerful, and the emotional distress associated with trauma can lead to various physical health conditions. Here are some physical medical conditions that can be caused or exacerbated by emotional trauma and PTSD:

1. Cardiovascular Issues: Prolonged stress associated with trauma and PTSD can contribute to cardiovascular problems, including hypertension (high blood pressure), an increased risk of heart disease, and potentially even heart attacks.

2. Gastrointestinal Problems: Emotional trauma can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastritis, and other digestive disorders.






This is what PTSD is:

A condition where your body and mind are still reacting to a past trauma, as if it is happening right now. You may have symptoms such as:

  • Flashbacks: reliving the traumatic event in your mind, as if it is happening again

  • Nightmares: having bad dreams about the trauma or related themes

  • Avoidance: staying away from people, places, or things that remind you of the trauma

  • Hypervigilance: being constantly on guard, alert, or nervous

  • Negative thoughts: having low self-esteem, feeling hopeless, or blaming yourself or others for the trauma

  • Mood swings: feeling angry, irritable, sad, or numb.


Symptoms of PTSD:

These symptoms can interfere with your daily life, affecting your relationships, work, school, or hobbies. They can also affect your physical health, causing problems such as insomnia, headaches, stomach-aches, or fatigue.

If you have PTSD, you are not alone. Many people develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event, such as:

  • War or combat

  • Sexual assault or abuse

  • Physical violence or injury

  • Natural disasters or accidents

  • Terrorism or crime

  • Bullying

  • Emotional abuse


PTSD can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, culture, or background. It is not a sign of weakness or fault. It is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.

PTSD is like a heavy weight that presses down on you. I would like you to Imagine a walnut that has a hard outer shell and a soft inside. The shell can protect the inside from outside pressure, but if the pressure is too much, the shell will crack and the nut will be crushed and the contents will spill out. Most PTSD sufferers develop this protective shell over the years to protect themselves from the hurt and pain inside them which has built up over many years of trauma. Now, a walnut while it is tough can be broken just imagine a paving slab if one of these is placed on top of the walnut it will be okay, and as more and more of these slabs are laid on top of the walnut it will eventually crack. When the crack happens all the symptoms and emotions will manifest themselves and they will no longer be able to cope.

The pressure of trauma can come from different sources and at different times. It can be like a small, decorative paving slab that adds up over time, or a giant, square paving slab that hits you all at once. Either way, the pressure can be too much for you to handle.



PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but it is not really a disorder in the medical sense. It is more like a natural response to something traumatic or stressful that happened to you in the past.

When you experience a traumatic event, your body and mind react to protect you from harm. You may feel fear, anger, sadness, or guilt. These are normal emotions that help you cope with the situation. But sometimes, these emotions don’t go away after the event is over. They may come back at unexpected times, triggered by something that reminds you of the trauma. This can happen even if you don’t consciously remember the event or what caused it.

You Can Be Free of all PTSD, CPTSD and Emotional Trauma.


My mission is to help 20,000 people suffering from PTSD, CPTSD, childhood trauma and addictions to heal their wounds, reclaim their power and live their full potential. I use advanced Crisis & Trauma Clinical Hypnotherapy and compassionate care that empowers my clients to transform their lives.


Mon - Fri 10am - 7pm  

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